Rebecca Irby, Founder and CEO of PEAC Institute, holding the 2017 Nobel Peace Prize our team won, surrounded by PEAC Youth Delegates at the 2022 NPT PrepCom in Geneva, CH

PEAC Institute: Peace | Education | Art | Communication

PEAC Youth Delegates getting ready to address the United Nation’s Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Conference 2022

PEAC Institute is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization with Special Consultative Status at the United Nations' Economic and Social Council and is a proud partner of the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN), 2017 Nobel Peace Prize Team.

PEAC stands for Peace, Education, Art, and Communication. Since our founding, we have been dedicated to reaching the most marginalized communities, using transformative educational projects that harness the power of art and communication. These tools not only help individuals explore and express their identities but also foster deep, meaningful connections across cultures and communities.

Our Evolving Mission: In today’s world, we recognize that the challenges of climate change, peace and security, and social inequity are deeply intertwined. No single issue can be solved in isolation, and our work reflects this interconnected reality. At PEAC, we use an intersectional approach, grounded in self-determination and decolonization, to address these challenges holistically. Our mission is to raise the voices of the most marginalized by providing them with training, platforms, and the structure they need to share their stories and influence the global narrative.

We have witnessed the power of art to transform hearts and minds—even those of hardened politicians and diplomats. Art cuts through the noise, offering a unique way to communicate and advocate for change. This belief remains at the heart of our mission as we continue to use creative expression to challenge the status quo and inspire action.

Our Commitment: Through our workshops, retreats, and global partnerships, PEAC Institute broadens minds, opens hearts, builds self-esteem, and nurtures healthy relationships. We empower individuals to become change-makers in their communities, promoting peace and equity on both local and global scales.

As we move forward, PEAC Institute remains committed to its founding principles while adapting to meet the pressing needs of today. We strive to build a world where peace, equity, and justice are not just aspirations but realities, achieved through collaboration, education, and the transformative power of art and communication.

Are you ready to experience a day full of positive energy, uplifting music, and the chance to connect with others worldwide? Let’s plan a beautiful day without hatred and violence, that will fill you with hope for humanity’s future and leave you inspired to be a part of it!

Take meaningful action with us

Rebecca Irby

A Message from the Founder

At PEAC Institute, our mission is to foster a world grounded in peace, equity, and transformational change. I believe that true peace begins within us and radiates outward, shaping the world in profound ways. This belief is at the core of everything we do at PEAC.

My Approach is grounded in self-determination and decolonization, recognizing that no issue can be solved in isolation. We are all interconnected, and so are our challenges. This belief is at the core of my work. That’s why my work centers on healing the wounds of inter-generational trauma and promoting trauma-informed care. I also deeply understand that we cannot create peace in the world without being at peace within ourselves. Through our transformative educational projects, we reach the most marginalized, using art and communication to help them explore and express themselves. Our workshops, retreats, and private sessions focus on inter-generational trauma, trauma-informed care, and conscious connection, which are essential for fostering internal peace and, by extension, a peaceful society.

Transformational Change is the guiding principle behind all our initiatives. My work at PEAC Institute integrates the various facets of my career—education, peacebuilding, and equity advocacy—into a cohesive framework to build a more just and peaceful world. Over the past two decades, I have been privileged to contribute to educational reforms in New Jersey, where I helped develop the Social Emotional Learning Coordinator profession, bringing empathy and equity into schools. These efforts are part of a broader commitment to creating environments where peace and equity are not just aspirations but realities.

As the Director of Transformational Change at New Detroit, the nation’s oldest racial justice coalition, I lead the development of programs and curriculum through New Detroit’s Just Institute and beyond. My work uses a multi-pronged approach to address transformational systems change, helping groups transform themselves, their relationships, and their policies to move toward becoming thriving, anti-racist, multicultural organizations.

Our Vision extends to the global stage. As a member of the 2017 Nobel Peace Prize-winning team and through my ongoing work with the United Nations, where I hold ECOSOC Special Consulting Status, I have seen firsthand the power of collaboration in driving meaningful change. My role on the Financing for Development Committee and the Working Group on Climate Finance allows me to influence global policies that support peace and equity on a broad scale.

At PEAC, we are preparing for our next major initiative: the 24-Hour Pause for Peace. This global concert, uniting youth from over 146 countries, is not just an event but a movement—a powerful demonstration of what can be achieved when we come together to prioritize peace. It is a reflection of our commitment to creating a world where every voice is heard, and every person is valued.

I have also had the honor of speaking at and collaborating with institutions and governments worldwide, including The United Nations, Harvard Law School, the Yale Policy Conference, the University of Michigan, NJ Department of Education, Rutgers University, The Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade, & Industry; The City of Hiroshima; The Hiroshima Peace Museum; Nagoya University; New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Det Norske Veritas (DNV), and The PyeongChang Global Peace Forum. These experiences have deepened my belief in the power of education and cross-cultural communication as tools for peace.

At PEAC Institute, we are building the foundations for a peaceful world by addressing the inner and outer dimensions of conflict. Together, we can take meaningful steps toward a world where peace and equity are the cornerstones of our shared future.

As Seen On

Rebecca Irby, Founder and CEO of PEAC Institute, has been featured on many prominent stages and in numerous media outlets...

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