YouthDay 2020 Peace Cranes by Heart4Earth

Heart4Earth is an organization having representations in 37 countries all over the world.  Heart4Earth is an organization for children and youth, who are sincerely dedicating their thoughts and actions for the sustainability of the future generation by working on UNSDG through universal values & principles.  

Youth Day 2020 Story
We celebrated International Youth Day 2020 with a theme Youth 4 disarmament and Youth for peace. We selected this theme,by acknowledging the 75th anniversary of the atomic bombing in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.Due to Covid19 pandemic,we decided to celebrate the day by using the online platform in a different way. We made an online campaign to make 1000 origami cranes in the memory of little Sadako Sasaki. 
As it is a campaign for youth,many youngsters and children participated and made 1028 Origami Cranes with hashtag #Youth4Disarmament and #Youth4Peace. Coordinating this many people together in this period was a greatest challenge.But when we announced the campaign many youngsters came forward to make it a grand success. Why do we make origami cranes??? Sadako Sasaki was a Japanese girl who became a victim of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima when she was two years old. Though severely irradiated, she survived for another ten years, becoming one of the most widely known hibakusha – a Japanese term meaning "bomb-affected person". She is remembered through the story of the one thousand origami cranes to make her wish come true but she folded 644 before her death, and is to this day a symbol of the innocent victims of nuclear warfare. With remembrance of her soul a lot of young minds made Origami Cranes with a lot of enthusiasm.
Traditionally, it was believed that if we fold 1000 origami cranes, one's wish would come true. It has also become a symbol of hope and healing during challenging times. Yes of course it has fulfilled our CC's wish on this pandemic period. Because of the active participation from the youth,we know that the Pandemic may have affected a lot of beautiful souls but that was not affected by our beautiful Youths hearts . The passion and the effort to join in a campaign which needs some effort shows their positive attitude to save our future. Proud to be with these superb youngsters.... 
Associates of this Program: URI, One Billion Youth4Peace, NSS Unit East Marady. 
"A brave, frank, clean- hearted, courageous and aspiring youth is the only foundation on which the future nation can be built."-Swami Vivekananda.
Looking forward for further partnerships or association with your organization. 
Dr Mohan Lal

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  • Dr Mohan Lal
    published this page in Share your voice 2020-08-16 06:09:07 -0400

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